OpenXL is a lightweight package designed to easily read Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm/xltx/xltm files.
To install OpenXL, simply use the Julia package manager:
] add OpenXL
Here is how you can use the basic interface for parsing and printing XL tables:
using OpenXL
julia> raw_xlsx = xl_sample_ticker24h_xlsx()
266033-element Vector{UInt8}:
julia> xlsx = xl_parse(raw_xlsx)
1-element XLWorkbook:
2682x19 XLSheet("Ticker24h")
julia> sheet = xlsx["Ticker24h"]
2682x19 XLSheet("Ticker24h")
Sheet │ A B C ⋯ Q R S
1 │ symbol askPrice askQty ⋯ count volume weightedAvgPrice
2 │ ETHBTC 0.05296 8.1061 ⋯ 473424.0 86904.9028 0.05347515
3 │ LTCBTC 0.001072 308.762 ⋯ 43966.0 130937.575 0.00110825
4 │ BNBBTC 0.008633 1.036 ⋯ 277360.0 99484.88 0.00883183
⋮ │ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋯ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮
2681 │ ZKUSDC 0.1386 3612.7 ⋯ 1572.0 1.3895516e6 0.15005404
2682 │ ZROUSDC 2.925 437.83 ⋯ 7957.0 356187.29 3.07800556
You can slice a table using address indexing and then convert the data to a row representation:
using OpenXL
julia> xlsx = xl_parse(xl_sample_ticker24h_xlsx())
1-element XLWorkbook:
2682x19 XLSheet("Ticker24h")
julia> sheet = xlsx["Ticker24h"]["A1:E"]
2682x5 SubXLSheet("Ticker24h")
Sheet │ A B C D E
1 │ symbol askPrice askQty bidPrice bidQty
2 │ ETHBTC 0.05296 8.1061 0.05295 50.5655
3 │ LTCBTC 0.001072 308.762 0.001071 1433.702
4 │ BNBBTC 0.008633 1.036 0.008632 8.139
⋮ │ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮
2681 │ ZKUSDC 0.1386 3612.7 0.138 11976.9
2682 │ ZROUSDC 2.925 437.83 2.922 353.73
julia> xl_rowtable(sheet; header = true)
2681-element Vector{NamedTuple{(:symbol, :askPrice, :askQty, :bidPrice, :bidQty)}}:
(symbol = "ETHBTC", askPrice = 0.05296, askQty = 8.1061, ...)
(symbol = "LTCBTC", askPrice = 0.001072, askQty = 308.762, ...)
(symbol = "BNBBTC", askPrice = 0.008633, askQty = 1.036, ...)
(symbol = "NEOBTC", askPrice = 0.0001604, askQty = 6.52, ...)
(symbol = "ZKUSDC", askPrice = 0.1386, askQty = 3612.7, ...)
(symbol = "ZROUSDC", askPrice = 2.925, askQty = 437.83, ...)
Table slices can be obtained in the same way as with a regular matrix, which can then also be converted to a column representation:
using OpenXL
julia> xlsx = xl_parse(xl_sample_ticker24h_xlsx())
1-element XLWorkbook:
2682x19 XLSheet("Ticker24h")
julia> sheet = xlsx["Ticker24h"][2:500, 7:10]
499x4 SubXLSheet("Ticker24h")
Sheet │ A B C D
1 │ 0.05477 0.05501 0.05216 0.05295
2 │ 0.001197 0.001213 0.001029 0.001071
3 │ 0.009138 0.009208 0.008422 0.008632
4 │ 0.000181 0.0001832 0.000154 0.0001603
⋮ │ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮
498 │ 0.000968 0.00098 0.00091 0.000932
499 │ 8.86e-6 8.98e-6 7.85e-6 8.06e-6
julia> xl_columntable(sheet; alt_keys = Dict("A" => "O", "B" => "H", "C" => "L", "D" => "C"))
O = [0.05477, 0.001197 … 0.000968, 8.86e-6],
H = [0.05501, 0.001213 … 0.00098, 8.98e-6],
L = [0.05216, 0.001029 … 0.00091, 7.85e-6],
C = [0.05295, 0.001071 … 0.000932, 8.06e-6],
If necessary, you can make a DataFrame
object using a row representation of the table.
using OpenXL
using DataFrames
julia> xlsx = xl_parse(xl_sample_ticker24h_xlsx())
1-element XLWorkbook:
2682x19 XLSheet("Ticker24h")
julia> DataFrame(eachrow(xlsx["Ticker24h"], header = true))
2681×19 DataFrame
Row │ symbol askPrice askQty bidPrice bidQty lastQty openPrice ⋯
│ String Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 ⋯
1 │ ETHBTC 0.05296 8.1061 0.05295 50.5655 1.15 0.05477 ⋯
2 │ LTCBTC 0.001072 308.762 0.001071 1433.7 25.421 0.001197
3 │ BNBBTC 0.008633 1.036 0.008632 8.139 0.013 0.009138
4 │ NEOBTC 0.0001604 6.52 0.0001601 318.15 33.69 0.000181
5 │ QTUMETH 0.000696 100.3 0.000692 792.4 157.3 0.000738 ⋯
⋮ │ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱
2678 │ BAKETRY 6.72 3641.0 6.71 3071.0 11350.0 8.79
2679 │ WIFBRL 9.59 15.4 8.81 1595.9 4.5 10.05
2680 │ ZKUSDC 0.1386 3612.7 0.138 11976.9 812.0 0.1628
2681 │ ZROUSDC 2.925 437.83 2.922 353.73 16.08 3.24 ⋯
13 columns and 2672 rows omitted